Contributing ================ **Thank you for your interest in Zelt! Your contributions are highly welcome.** There are multiple ways to get involved: .. contents:: :local: Make sure you always follow our simple `code of conduct`_. If you need help, please reach out to us by `opening an issue`_. .. _code of conduct: .. _opening an issue: Report a bug ------------ Reporting bugs is one of the best ways to contribute. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue_ reporting the same problem **does not already exist**. If there is such an issue, show your interest with an emoji reaction on the issue's description, and add the results of your investigation (if any) in a comment. .. _issue: To report a **new bug**, `open a bug report`_ describing the problem. .. _open a bug report: /new?labels=bug& If you want to provide a fix along with your bug report, that's great! In that case, please send us a **pull request** as described below in the :ref:`contribute-code` section. Suggest a feature ----------------- To propose a new feature for Zelt, `open a feature request`_ and summarize the desired functionality and the problem you're trying to solve. .. _open a feature request: /issues/new? .. _contribute-code: Contribute code --------------- .. _set-up-dev: Set up a dev environment '''''''''''''''''''''''' The only required dependency for local deployment is Poetry_. .. _Poetry: Once you have Poetry, you can simply call ``make install`` to install all necessary dependencies. This mimics what happens in our continuous integration pipeline, so you won't get surprised. .. _project-conventions: Conventions ''''''''''' - All source code is formatted using black_. - All non-private functions are reasonably covered by unit tests runnable with Pytest_ (via ``make test``). - All user-facing APIs are clearly documented using Sphinx_ in docstrings (for developers) and in reST files in the :file:`docs/` directory (for users). See :ref:`documentation` for details. - All user-facing changes are reported in :ref:`changelog`, along with a reference to the relevant pull request or issue identifiers. .. _black: .. _Pytest: .. _Sphinx: Suggested workflow '''''''''''''''''' .. highlight:: bash 1. Check the list of `open issues`_. Either **assign yourself to an existing issue**, or `create a new one`_ that you would like to work on. Describe the problem you're trying to solve, and your ideas for solving it. It is always best to **discuss your plans** beforehand: it ensures that your contribution is in line with the goals of the project. .. _open issues: .. _create a new one: 2. **Fork** the `repository on GitHub`_ and clone your fork:: $ git clone .. _repository on GitHub: 3. Create a **feature branch**, for example ``my-feature``, starting from the ``master`` branch:: $ git checkout -b my-feature Push that branch on your fork:: $ git push -u origin my-feature 4. Open a `new pull request`_ in `draft mode`_, and explain what you are doing: which issue_ are you solving and how? Using the **draft mode** prevents from immediately sending a request for code review to all maintainers, so it's useful when you don't yet have all your code ready. .. _new pull request: .. _draft mode: 5. Get the necessary tools: :ref:`set-up-dev`. 6. Make commits of **small, logical units of work**. We should be able to use `git bisect`_ to find the origin of bugs. Make sure you :ref:`sign-off ` on all your commits:: $ git commit -s And finally, please write :ref:`clear commit messages `! .. _git bisect: 7. Check that all **tests** (including your *new* ones) succeed:: $ make test If this fails on your local machine, there is a good risk that it will also fail on Travis, preventing your pull request from being merged. 8. `Project maintainers`_ may **comment on your work** as you progress. If they don't and you would like some feedback, feel free to mention_ one of them in your pull request. .. _project maintainers: .. _mention: 9. As explained in the :ref:`release-process` section, in Zelt, **each pull request merged** in the ``master`` branch becomes a **new release** on PyPI. Therefore, a few files need to be updated with a **new version number**, and :file:`docs/Changelog.rst` should probably contain a description of your contributions. **Everything is explained** in :ref:`release-process`. 10. You are welcome to add your name in our :ref:`contributors` file (:file:`docs/Contributors.rst`). This is of course optional, but we would be happy to remember and showcase the help you provided! 11. When you are done, mark your draft pull request as `Ready for review`_. This will automatically request a **code review** from all `project maintainers`_. Make sure your contributions respect :ref:`Zelt's conventions ` before that! .. _ready for review: 12. Your pull request must be approved 👍 by two `project maintainers`_ before it can be merged. **Thank you** for your contributions! .. _documentation: Documentation ------------- It is important that *all* features of Zelt are **documented**: - **user-facing features**, such as new command-line options: if our users don't know these features exist, they will not use them and Zelt will be less useful to them; - **contributor-facing features**, like internal APIs, design decisions, and contribution workflows: if our potential contributors struggle finding the right place to contribute, or cannot get a working development environment, the barrier of entry will be too high and the project will not benefit from their valuable contributions. Zelt uses Sphinx_ to make the documentation accessible and readable to anyone with a web browser. It also makes it easy to link user documentation (in :file:`docs/*.rst`) and contributor documentation (as docstrings_ in Zelt's Python source files) when appropriate. .. _docstrings: Sphinx is automatically installed during the :ref:`set-up-dev` step. **You can easily build the documentation** on your own machine by running ``make docs`` at the root of the repository. This converts the reST files under the :file:`docs/` directory into HTML files under :file:`docs/_build/html/`, so you can do something like:: $ firefox docs/_build/html/index.html to start browsing the documentation locally. .. note:: Be careful not to track these generated HTML files with git. The reST files and docstrings are the only source of truth. .. _commit-messages: Commit messages --------------- Ideally, your commit messages answer two questions: **what changed** and **why?** The message's first line should describe the "what". The rest of the message (separated from the first line by an empty line) should explain the "why". .. _sign-your-work: Sign your work / DCO -------------------- All contributions to Zelt (including pull requests) must agree to the `Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) version 1.1`__. This is exactly the same one created and used by the Linux kernel developers: a certification by a developer that they have the right to submit their contribution to the project. __ Simply submitting a contribution (commits) implies this agreement. However, **please include a "Signed-off-by" line** in every commit -- that line is a conventional way to confirm that you agree with the DCO. You can do that easily with git's ``-s`` option:: $ git commit -s You can automate this with a `git hook`_. .. _git hook: /git-add-signed-off-by-line-using-format-signoff-not-working .. centered:: Have fun, and happy hacking!